Coronary Artery Disease Treatment - Coronary Interventions
Health Screening

Executive Cardiac Screening

Coronary Angiography is indicated if:

There is a history of angina (chest pain)
Documented evidence of abnormal ECG, positive Treadmill and Stress ECHO tests.

Coronary Angiography is an invasive investigation procedure of the heart and is carried out under local anaesthesia, either from the groin or from the arm.

The test is performed using special tubes called cardiac catheters. The catheters are inserted through a small puncture site on the skin near the groin and advanced through the blood vessels to the various regions of the heart.

The doctors will then take various measurements in the heart and blood vessels, example pressures, blood saturation and special pictures called angiograms if necessary.

Usually, the patient would need to stay in the hospital for one day. In selected patients, the procedure may be carried out on an outpatient basis (Day Surgery), using special small catheters or if the study is performed through the arm.

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