Coronary Artery Disease Treatment - Coronary Interventions
Coronary Artery Disease Treatment - Coronary Interventions


What are interventional procedures?

Interventional procedures are non-surgical procedures used to treat blocked coronary arteries and increase blood flow to the heart. Interventional procedures are performed in the cardiac catheterization laboratory by a specialized cardiologist and a cardiovascular team of nurses and technicians.

cardiac catheterization
After an interventional procedure, the coronary artery is opened, increasing blood flow to the heart.

Cardiac Catheterization Procedure

First, a cardiac catheterization is performed. The patient receives medication for relaxation. The doctor then numbs the area where the procedure will be performed. A sheath (thin, plastic tube) is inserted into an artery in the groin or sometimes the arm. A long, slender tube called a catheter is inserted through the sheath and guided through the blood vessel to the arteries surrounding the heart.

A diagnostic procedure called coronary angiography is performed next. During angiography, a small amount of contrast material is injected through the catheter and is photographed as it moves through the heart’s chambers, valves and major vessels. From the digital photographs of the contrast material, the doctors can tell whether the coronary arteries are narrowed and/or whether the heart valves are working correctly.

Interventional Procedures

An interventional procedure starts out in the same way as a diagnostic cardiac catheterization. Once the blocked artery is identified with the catheterization, the doctor performs the interventional procedure. There are several interventional procedures that may be used to open the artery.

cardiac catheterization
balloon is inflated to compress fatty matter

Balloon angioplasty: (Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty or PTCA)

A small balloon at the tip of a specially designed catheter is inflated to compress the fatty matter into the artery wall and stretch the artery open to increase blood flow to the heart.

cardiac catheterization
stays in place after
catheter is removed
(mouse over image to see
stent in place)


A stent is a small, metal mesh tube that acts as a scaffold to provide support inside the coronary artery. A balloon catheter, placed over a guide wire, is used to insert the stent into the narrowed coronary artery.

Once in place, the balloon is inflated and the stent expands to the size of the artery and holds it open. The balloon is deflated and removed, and the stent stays in place permanently.

Over a several-week period, the artery heals around the stent. Stents are commonly placed during interventional procedures such as angioplasty to help keep the coronary artery open.

cardiac catheterization
tip spins at high speed
to grind plaque away

Rotoblation (Percutaneous Transluminal Rotational Atherectomy or PCRA)

A special catheter, with an acorn-shaped, diamond-coated tip, is guided to the point of narrowing in the coronary artery. The tip spins around at a high speed and grinds away the plaque on your artery walls. This process is repeated as needed to improve blood flow. The microscopic particles are washed safely away in your blood stream and filtered out by your liver and spleen.

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